Weekend Retreat Comments & more.....

What Attracted you to the Retreat?
- Deal with stress and overload.
- The location, the course material, focus on yoga for everyday life.
- Relaxation aspect.
- I was having a tough time in the city. I knew I needed to step back and take some time out for myself. That’s when I got on my computer and researched for retreats. Absolutely perfect.
- Friends recommendation.

What was most beneficial about the Retreat?
- I really enjoyed the discussion sessions and sharing of ideas.
- The practical ways we can incorporate yoga practices at home.
- I found it an excellent way to reset and refocus myself and take that home.
- Learning to be still, silent at times and feeling at peace.
- I am feeling newly re-invigorated after my stay. It was an incredibly positive experience.
- The holistic side of yoga, not just studio. The yogic lifestyle.
- It helped change my mind set.
- Practical measures to incorporate the yogic lifestyle into everyday life.
- Daily awareness practices and discussion.

Would you recommend the Retreat to others and why?
- Yes, because it provides an authentic yoga training/experience and the surrounds are beautiful.
- Yes, absolutely a place to recharge, re-group, learn new skills. A weekend is NOT long enough.
- Yes, beneficial, friendly and was exactly what I expected.
- Yes, I’ve always found the Ashram a place of beauty and stillness which would benefit everyone or most people.
- Yes, the peace, beauty, the content, the community.