Yoga Ashram

Yoga Feel Great Breaks Retreat - Mon - Thur

To Enrol click on your preferred month 

March  April  May  June  July

Please bring your own bedding, yoga mat and blanket/shawl

Yoga Retreat Daily Timetable

This 4 day Yoga Retreat is available each Mon to Thur

Foster a conscious connected caring sustainable yoga community lifestyle together.  

  • Great length of time, location and focus on yoga - Guest
Feel Great Break comments


The Yoga Retreat program includes:

  • yoga postures
  • breathing techniques
  • yoga nidra – relaxation, meditation
  • focused action in the lifestyle, and twice daily group discussions on subjects of awareness from the text
  • eBook Yoga With Attitude
  • one is encouraged to make notes or keep a spiritual diary throughout the retreat  

You are encouraged to observe the following subjects as part of a daily awareness/mindful practice:

  •     observation of physical actions
  •     observation of sense experiences
  •     awareness of thoughts
  •     awareness of emotions
  •     actions & reactions

Participation in Karma Yoga is part of the ashram lifestyle rhythm and involves performing every action with awareness, skill and creativity.

The morning program of karma yoga – awareness is where you may be assisting in the organic veggie garden, kitchen, grounds, maintenance or in one of the other interesting and creative projects in the ashram.

The task is only the medium but the practice is to watch the stream of passing mental traffic as an impartial witness whilst fully applying and engaging oneself to the action in the here and now.

"Karma yoga prepares the mind for the reception of light or knowledge.  It expands the heart and breaks all barriers that stand in the way of unity or oneness". Swami Sivananda

By paying attention with a positive attitude to our work, we can lift any task from the menial to the meaningful.

This mental attitude/spiritual ideal can be carried with you, away from the Ashram into your daily life and work for living an ongoing life inspired by a yogic culture.

At the end of your retreat take some time to re assess in the following way:

What insights have been gained throughout the retreat to support health & wellbeing effectively

How do you intend to apply and consolidate in a practical ongoing way the benefits and insights gained during your retreat

What challenges were met and how did you respond to them - responses and reactions

Feel Great Break - personal experience 

General Information 

Yoga Retreat Daily Timetable
Yoga @ the Ashram

Practical Details: What to bring, Optional accommodation fees, Directions etc

Fees include: all meals, standard accommodation and course yoga classes and course material to support the daily discussions.


Intakes all year
Please make your booking at least 2 days prior to the commencement of the retreat

Arrive & Departure 

Mon 10.30am to Thur 2pm
On completion of week 1, weeks 2, 3 & 4 can be undertaken at your own leisure. 

Mobile Free Zones: all residential, eating & sitting areas

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Rocklyn Yoga Ashram, operated by Yoga Association of Victoria Inc. as an autonomous entity, remains committed to the tradition of Satyananda Yoga and continues the teachings of the Satyananda system of yoga.