Yoga Ashram







  • It is very important to allow the practices of asana – postures and pranayama to unfold naturally according to your own comfortable capacity.
  • According to your need, asana can be modified, visualized or replaced by a posture more suitable. 
  • It is important that all instructions are practised according to your ability, without straining the body to perform a position which you know is not appropriate for you. 
  • Work with your ability, and observe, that if allowed, the body and mind will become comfortable and accepting. 
  • Self-acceptance, regular and sincere practice will allow you to open more fully to your positive, happier attitude and expression in life. 

Rocklyn Yoga Ashram, operated by Yoga Association of Victoria Inc. as an autonomous entity, remains committed to the tradition of Satyananda Yoga and continues the teachings of the Satyananda system of yoga.