Yoga Ashram


Life and Death - Full Circle 

with Swami Yogakanti

06 - 09 Jun     $430 Book Here Early Booking Discount by 25 May
06 - 09 Jun     $480 Book Here

Swami Yogakanti has authored the book Life & Death Full Circle available on Satyam Yoga Prasad – read only website. 
Life and Death - full circle

Wisdom traditions teach that if we are not aware of our full selves and identify ourselves only with the conscious mind and our mind-body vehicle, we become trapped, limited by the senses and that part of the mind relating to external events.

This weekend we focus on practical techniques in yoga that help us realize and express our inner potential and to recognize and respect that in everyone. Integrating the guidelines in our lifestyle gives joy and a sense of purpose, improves our relationship with ourselves and others, the samskaras in our psyche and the karmic stock we carry with us life after life.

Focusing on the luminosity of the self or soul, the atma, gives strength for the full circle of life and death and releases us from it. Being kind is the first step.

Discounted Personal Yoga Retreat in Nature 

Minimum of 2 nights
Any nights between

13 - 16 Jun     $120 per night Book Here

Yoga Essentials Everyone Needs 

View retreat promo video

Imagine stepping out of your private accommodation or private suite into the serene beauty of the Wombat Forest. 

Our Personal Retreat offers daily yoga and yoga nidra sessions designed to help you realign and reflect on health and life balance principles.  

Take your time to enjoy slow walks, peaceful nature spaces and the gentle daily rhythms of the retreat program. 

Includes all food, standard accommodation and yoga classes as per the website  Personal Retreat Daily Timetable

I managed to clear out my diary for a few days, to recharge and refocus my mind and body and reconnect with the yogic principles that have proved already so helpful. Guest 

Yoga & Ashram Life

Community Connection Ashram Life - Helping out 

Intakes Limited

07 - 09 Jun     $100 Book Here

Please arrive 10.00am on the 7th and depart after lunch clean up - 2.00pm on the 9th.

Experience the Yoga Ashram Life together with others for the weekend..  Join the Karma Yoga projects, yoga program as per the timetable, asana class, yoga nidra, havan - fire ceremony and mantra, kirtan chanting. 

"Karma Yoga expands the heart and breaks all barriers that stand in the way of unity or oneness."
Swami Sivananda

Full participation in the Ashram lifestyle. 

More Information

"it was a wonderful experience to have connection with other like minded community yogis."

Overcoming Obstacles in Meditation Retreat

Reconnect with Confidence with Self and Inner Clarity

20 - 22 Jun     $380 Book Here

Within the elegant simplicity of the Ashram environment rediscover with confidence the qualities of stillness and clarify that are inherent and natural qualities of your inner self. 

The yoga meditation techniques on this Yoga and Meditation Retreat are intended to help one to disconnect from the day to day duties and distractions and reconnect with your wiser self.

Through a harmonious blend of 

yoga asana, 
breathing techniques, 
guided meditations and yoga nidra, 
plus nature spaces of stillness for personal reflection, a new compass for change may give you a refreshed way of seeing the world that will last after you head back home. 

Winter Discounted Yoga Relax

A Weekend of Gentle Renewal

27 - 29 Jun     $300 Book Here Discounted winter special

Re centre and embrace a state of ease in this spacious and thoughtfully designed yoga retreat. This experience invites you to rediscover harmony within.

The daily program includes specifically chosen yoga postures for relaxation, deep breathing techniques, meditation, yoga nidra, time to rest, take slow walks, sit in reflective nature spaces and refresh ones perspective on life.

If you want to experience a true traditional Yoga Ashram with a contemporary twist - this is the place for you! All are welcome and welcomed, whether you are a newbie or a dedicated yoga person and you may experience a whole new way of seeing the world that will last after you head back home. Guest 

Personal Yoga Retreat in Nature 

Escape the Busyness, Embrace the Balance 

Any dates in June $130 per night Book Here 
Thanks so much for the time at Rocklyn. I feel so calm and energised this week. Guest 

Imagine having a few days away from the norm! with slow walks in the Wombat Forest.

Imagine feeling rested and relaxed, having quality time to reflect in the quiet nature spaces of the Ashram environment without any obligation to do....and

Imagine yoga practices that create deep relaxation, and give space within to declutter the mind from the things we worry about.

Living Consciously Retreat

1 week     $280 Book Here

1 week to 1 month
10% discount for Health Care Card Holders
No further discounts apply
Arrive Sun before 3pm  – Depart Sun 2pm
Intakes all year

Daily Timetable
Retreat Information

Sustaining and cultivating a positive attitude towards life.

"I came to Rocklyn for the conscious living course not knowing what to expect, but with expectations of getting some rest, some time out and some reflection. Wow! I came away with so much more. Atma has created an amazing space, and perhaps a unique resource in Victoria for anyone looking for more than yoga asana practice, to a deeper dive into meditation, prana and conscious, healthy living. The daily structure frees up headspace for reflection, taking time to both breathe in as well as contribute to the surrounding beautiful environs. I enjoyed getting my hands dirty in the food garden, helping out, chatting to other lovely souls all on their own journey and having a good look at the spinning thoughts and emotions that can fill our day, and lead to nowhere.

Thanks for guiding me through the course, and I very much look forward to coming again to take stock, recharge and learn more."  Jeremy 

What was beneficial about the retreat?

  • A great opportunity to rest my mind, reset patterns and to further commit to living consciously
  • Karma Yoga gave me the opportunity to observe and witness ones actions and reactions positively
  • Regular yoga practices both on and off the mat.  Beautiful, peaceful and natural environment for yoga and lifestyle
  • Just perfect - timeout, yoga, lifestyle, reviving, refreshing and an inspiring experience in a beautiful ashram setting
  • Format - open, flexible, well balanced with practical & theory based sessions. 
  • Creative approach to developing a yogic lifestyle
  • Karma Yoga - participation in the duties of the ashram life gave me a point of focus

Living Consciously Option 2 

5 nights     $650 Book Here
Mon 10.30am – Sat 2pm

7 nights     $910 Book Here
Arrive before 3pm Sun 2pm – Sun 2pm
Intakes all year

Living Consciously option 2 Timetable
Retreat Information

The Living Consciously Option 2 differs a little from the Living Consciously Option 1  program in that extra time is allocated after lunch to deepen relaxation and reclaim inner balance and direction during your personal retreat. Course material and group meetings are consistent with the Living Consciously concept of awareness.

What was beneficial about the retreat?

  • Yoga Nidra, the daily topic to witness and reflect on and the balance of all the yogas including Karma Yoga were highlights in my life changing experience. 
  • Wonderful. It is one of the most peaceful settings I've had the privilege to be in. I am inspired.  
  • Location, affordability & ethos
  • Group sessions. Complete toolkit to help re-assess your mind/lifestyle

During the Living Consciously Retreats program participants will discover, experience and analyse the methods by which yogic principles and practices can be applied in their daily lives.

Mid Week - Sun to Thur Living Consciously

4 Day Retreat based on the principles of Living Consciously

Daily Timetable
Retreat Information

Fee $255 
Arrive Sunday 3pm
Departure Thursday at 2.00pm 

01 - 05 Jun   $255 Book Here
08 - 12 Jun   $255 Book Here
15 - 19 Jun   $255 Book Here
22 - 26 Jun   $255 Book Here
29 Jun - 03 Jul    $255 Book Here

Feel Great Break Yoga Retreat

A 4 day Yoga Retreat Mon - Thur
Fee  $390

Daily Timetable
Retreat Information

Arrive 10.30am in time for Yoga Nidra - relaxation

This 4 day Yoga Retreat is part of a 1 month course of living consciously. 

On completion of week 1, weeks 2, 3 & 4 can be undertaken at your own leisure

02 - 05 Jun     $390 Book Here
09 - 12 Jun     $390 Book Here
16 - 19 Jun     $390 Book Here
23 - 26 Jun     $390 Book Here
30 Jun - 03 Jul     $390 Book Here

The retreat supports personal time and space to re assess if we are focusing on what is important to us in life, and if we are creatively balancing our spiritual and worldly health and wellbeing effectively. 

This special Yoga Retreat program includes: yoga postures, breathing techniques, yoga nidra – relaxation, meditation, focused action in the lifestyle, and twice daily group discussions on subjects of awareness from the text
eBook Yoga With Attitude

One is encouraged to make notes or keep a spiritual diary throughout the retreat.

At the end of your retreat take some time to re assess in the following way:

  • What insights have been gained throughout the retreat to support health & wellbeing effectively
  • How do you intend to apply and consolidate in a practical ongoing way the benefits and insights gained during your retreat 
  • What challenges were met and how did you respond to them - responses and reactions 

Day Visits

Saturday Yoga Day & Kirtan

14 Jun     $70 Book Here
10.30am - 8.30pm 

A perfect way to reconnect and renew. 

Taking time to join a yoga day in a tranquil country ashram setting offers rejuvenation and a get away from the everyday rush, where the quiet of nature enhances each practice. Enjoy asana to energize the body, pranayama to connect with your breath and calm the mind, and the deep rest of yoga nidra to release inner tensions. Complete your day with the chanting of mantras and havan for the wellbeing of all beings and the environment and the joy of kirtan mantra chanting, immersing yourself in soulful sounds that lift the spirit and deepen the experience of the power peace, and the power of connection. It’s a perfect way to reconnect and renew.

Enjoy the numerous walking and bike riding tracks at the very edge of the forest.

Welcome to ask about the activities, programs conducted at the Ashram and which programs may be more appropriate for your specific needs.


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Rocklyn Yoga Ashram, operated by Yoga Association of Victoria Inc. as an autonomous entity, remains committed to the tradition of Satyananda Yoga and continues the teachings of the Satyananda system of yoga.